20 Memory management library [mem]

20.3 Smart pointers [smartptr]

20.3.2 Shared-ownership pointers [util.sharedptr] Struct owner_equal [util.smartptr.owner.equal]

The class owner_equal provides ownership-based mixed equality comparisons of shared and weak pointers.
namespace std { struct owner_equal { template<class T, class U> bool operator()(const shared_ptr<T>&, const shared_ptr<U>&) const noexcept; template<class T, class U> bool operator()(const shared_ptr<T>&, const weak_ptr<U>&) const noexcept; template<class T, class U> bool operator()(const weak_ptr<T>&, const shared_ptr<U>&) const noexcept; template<class T, class U> bool operator()(const weak_ptr<T>&, const weak_ptr<U>&) const noexcept; using is_transparent = unspecified; }; }
template<class T, class U> bool operator()(const shared_ptr<T>& x, const shared_ptr<U>& y) const noexcept; template<class T, class U> bool operator()(const shared_ptr<T>& x, const weak_ptr<U>& y) const noexcept; template<class T, class U> bool operator()(const weak_ptr<T>& x, const shared_ptr<U>& y) const noexcept; template<class T, class U> bool operator()(const weak_ptr<T>& x, const weak_ptr<U>& y) const noexcept;
Returns: x.owner_equal(y).
[Note 1: 
x.owner_equal(y) is true if and only if x and y share ownership or are both empty.
— end note]