17 Language support library [support]

17.6 Dynamic memory management [support.dynamic]

17.6.4 Storage allocation errors [alloc.errors] Class bad_alloc [bad.alloc]

namespace std { class bad_alloc : public exception { public: // see [exception] for the specification of the special member functions constexpr const char* what() const noexcept override; }; }
The class bad_alloc defines the type of objects thrown as exceptions by the implementation to report a failure to allocate storage.
constexpr const char* what() const noexcept override;
Returns: An implementation-defined ntbs. Class bad_array_new_length [new.badlength]

namespace std { class bad_array_new_length : public bad_alloc { public: // see [exception] for the specification of the special member functions constexpr const char* what() const noexcept override; }; }
The class bad_array_new_length defines the type of objects thrown as exceptions by the implementation to report an attempt to allocate an array of size less than zero or greater than an implementation-defined limit ([expr.new]).
constexpr const char* what() const noexcept override;
Returns: An implementation-defined ntbs. Type new_handler [new.handler]

using new_handler = void (*)();
The type of a handler function to be called by operator new() or operator new[]() ([new.delete]) when they cannot satisfy a request for additional storage.
Required behavior: A new_handler shall perform one of the following:
  • make more storage available for allocation and then return;
  • throw an exception of type bad_alloc or a class derived from bad_alloc;
  • terminate execution of the program without returning to the caller. set_new_handler [set.new.handler]

new_handler set_new_handler(new_handler new_p) noexcept;
Effects: Establishes the function designated by new_p as the current new_handler.
Returns: The previous new_handler.
Remarks: The initial new_handler is a null pointer. get_new_handler [get.new.handler]

new_handler get_new_handler() noexcept;
Returns: The current new_handler.
[Note 1: 
This can be a null pointer value.
— end note]